Tuesday 26 February 2013


What is the capital city of Romania?

Bonding Tour!

Hey there!
Just a reminder Bonding Tour is next Thursday!  Its going to be such a blast! Be sure to double check the "what to pack" list and get cracking this weekend.  Last day for payment is this Friday please.

Friday 22 February 2013

Capitals for the weekend

I am looking for the capital cities of
1) Ireland
2) Ethiopia
3) New Zealand


Today was one filled with festivities!  We all enjoyed the Jewish treats and wish all the Jewish families a happy Purim. Well done to the Grade 7 students who sold food and goodies to raise funds for their overseas tour.  They made a good profit!

Everyone looked stunning!

Tuesday 19 February 2013


Today I am looking for the capital city of Finland!


Please remember school photo's tomorrow so bring a brush if need be and look your smartest!

Map work test for SS tomorrow....bring your Atlas and string if you have.

Bonding tour payments need to be made by next Friday at the latest!

Monday 18 February 2013

Capital today

What is the capital city of the USA?

Birthdays in February!

Happy birthday to our February "babies"!  Kairav for last week, Pranaam for Wednesday and a big Happy Birthday to Yashendra for today!!  Thanks for the yummy chocolates! I'm not supposed to be the one who is spoilt! :)
I would also like to wish Kirthi a Happy birthday for January.  Please could I appeal to any mums who would like to send me a pic of their babies as babies so I could put them onto the blog on their birthdays...if possible on a stick or email? It could be quite fun to "guess the baby".

Thursday 14 February 2013

V Day pics

What a lovely day filled with love and smiles!  Thanks for my rose and chocolate Karthik; my rose Sunaav; my Lindt chocs Tiara, my PS Yashir and my heart sweet Sid!  Hope you all had a wonderful day full of spoils!  Here are some pics! xx

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Name the Capital!

What is the capital city of CANADA?

Valentines day!

Happy Valentines Day to all my super special Grade 7's! I love each and every one of you!  Even those who  drive me a bit crazy:P Have an awesome day full of love and surprises.
Much love
Mrs W!

Some more early Valentines messages:

"Happy Valentines Day Mrs Williams" - from the girls

"Happy Valentines Day class!" - from Sidhara, Shiv, Kirth, Iyen

"I love you guys, Shailen, Jasper, Tino and the whole class!" - from Sunaav

Saturday 9 February 2013


Remember this Thursday is Valentines civvies....R5 for the matric dance committee if you would like to dress in red, pink or white!

Capitals for the weekend

Here are 2 capital cities to find this weekend... What are the capital cities of a) Australia and b) Russia?
First person to answer correctly gets the points!  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

New Capital of the day!

Yesterday Emile got the answer right...today's capital question is: What is the capital of BULGARIA?

Monday 4 February 2013

Assembly video

Thanks so much to Mrs Naidoo (Yashendra's mom) for taking a video of our assembly. I have uploaded it to Youtube as I have no idea how to load it straight to the blog so here is the address...check it out! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FASTGLOTq60 PS. By highlighting and right clicking on the above link....it takes you directly to it.

Name the Capital

In class we are having a competition to help us learn the capitals of cities around the world: The capital I am looking for today is the capital of LIBYA! First person to answer gets a point! At the end of each week I will tally up the points for you. So far we have had the following capitals: Portugal = Lisbon Spain = Madrid England = London South Africa = Pretoria Mozambique = Maputo Morocco = Rabat

Friday 1 February 2013

Funky Friday!

Today was a real funky Friday with the kids dressing up. Tthis was to raise funds for the Matric Dance Committee.