Friday 13 September 2013

UK Tour Departs

Once again all the best and have a fantastic time guys!!  Sarah's mom took this pic at the airport:

All looking so smart in their matching purple!

News from Mrs Van Elden is that they have arrived safely in Dubai and everyone is behaving impeccably.
Well done guys!  We are so proud of you!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Uk Drama Tour

We were treated to a special performance of Camille's Way this morning! Wow!  How brilliant! Such a talented cast!  The overseas schools are going to love it!  We wish them so well on the trip!  We know you guys are going to have an awesome time!  All the best!!! Safe travels! xx

Grandparents Day

Thank you to those grandparents who joined us on Wednesday.  It was lovely to meet you all.
Just a few pics from the morning