Monday 18 March 2013

Happy Holidays!

1 more day till break up day guys!  Then you have 2 whole weeks to just chill before you come back and prepare for exams:( Try reading a book to'll be surprised how enjoyable reading can be if you find a good book.  Those of you who do enjoy reading, please could I ask you to give me a list of books you have thoroughly enjoyed so we can recommend them to our "non" (or on a positive note - soon to be avid) readers:)

Thanks for a wonderful term Grade 7's.  Its been great and I look forward to the rest of the year with you.
Happy Easter to all the Christian families! See you on the 3rd April.....a day after my birthday!!! xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone

    I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.
    Would everyone please check their inbox it's URGENT

